CLOE Session Recordings
Catholic Learning Online On-Demand
2022 Event Recordings
Lets' do an Hour of Code
Catholic Learning Online brings you a short, sharp primer for The Hour Of Code running between from now until the 18th of December.
Over 1.5 Billion students around the world have participated in Hour of Code and we would love to see 2022 as the biggest year yet.
You will learn about Hour of Code, how to run your own event in your classroom/school and how to register with Hour of Code. You will explore some resources and be ready to implement Hour of Code the very next day!
Learning Intention:
Participants will...
Understand the benefits of participating in Hour of Code
Explore the coding options available.
Learn how to register their Hour of Code event
Learn how Hour of Code activities are linked to the Australian Curriculum
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they are successful if they can...
Register for and run an Hour of Code event
Build it, Make it, Know it - Design thinking with problem-based learning: Microsoft
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to 'Build it, make it, know it! Design thinking with problem-based learning using Microsoft tools.
Create your Flipped Classroom: Microsoft
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to create a flipped classroom using Microsoft tools.
Creating a Digital Feedback Loop: Microsoft
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to create a digital feedback loop using Microsoft tools.
Using Lucid for Persuasive Writing
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to use Lucid for Education to support the persuasive writing process.
Learning Intention
Participants will explore how Lucid for Education supports the writing process.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
use resources available through Lucid for Education to support student writing
Using Lucid to Scaffold and Support the Writing Process
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to use Lucid for Education to support the writing process.
Learning Intention
Participants will explore how Lucid for Education supports the writing process.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
use resources available through Lucid for Education to support student writing
Using Lucid for Collaborative Writing in the Classroom
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to use Lucid for Education to support the writing process.
Learning Intention
Participants will explore how Lucid for Education supports the writing process.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
use resources available through Lucid for Education to support student writing
Google Level 2 - Beyond Basics
The CLO Google Level 2 Program will allow you to work through the modules and earn your Google Level 2 Certification at your own pace.
To support you along the way we will have a number of virtual check-in sessions, where you will be shown some innovative uses of your new skills and be able to ask questions to clarify your learning. Chris Betcher, a specialist and expert in the Google Suite of products in teaching and learning will present these virtual sessions.
Target audience: Leadership, primary teachers, secondary teachers, school support staff, administration and central office staff.
Learning Intentions
Participants will...
learn different ways that classroom technology can be used to support existing teaching programs
learn how technology can be used in a range of ways from simple substitution to a more sophisticated redefinition of learning tasks
learn about a range of tools inside Google Workspace for Education and how they can be used to make teaching and learning more effective
Success Criteria:
Participants will know they have been successful when they can :
Understand the how existing and future classroom tasks can be supported with technology
Identify ways in which technology can be used appropriately in ways that engage and support student learning
Apply the new knowledge to my local context
ClickView Interactives in for Formative Assessment Secondary Classrooms
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to use ClickView for formative assessment.
With interactives, you have effective formative assessment strategies and resources at your fingertips.
Learning Intention
Participants will explore how to create and use interactives for formative assessment.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
add an interactive layer of inbuilt questions or problems to any existing video
use a range of different question types such as multiple choice, short answer or annotation
ClickView Interactives for Formative Assessment - Primary
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to use ClickView for formative assessment.
With interactives, you have effective formative assessment strategies and resources at your fingertips.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
can add an interactive layer of inbuilt questions or problems to any existing video
use a range of different question types such as multiple choice, short answer or annotation
CLO Summit 2022 - Focus on Writing
Bring Storytelling to Life with AR
First hand experience is one the most powerful ways to learn. With Augmented Reality (AR), students can experience just about anything they can imagine. Join me to explore how AR on iPad is helping transform what is possible with digital storytelling in the classroom.
Explore AR apps on iPad that are helping students connect to their learning to the world in new ways
Discover how to create powerful interactive storytelling using AR Makr (grades K-3) and Reality Composer (grades 4-12)
Learn how AR creates immersive and engaging learning experiences
Writing Help with TextHelp
In this session we will look at specific tools that support students with organisation, revision and writing - and provide autonomy to learners. We will look at examples of how the tools can be used and how they map to educational outcomes.
You CAN teach and old Doc new tricks
Most of us use Google Docs quite a bit, but do you really know what it can do? With a few hidden tricks, and a whole lot of new features that have been added in the past year, maybe it's time to take a fresh look at what Google Docs can do, and how it can be used to help improve student writing. You might be surprised! To play along at home, please use a Chromebook, or a computer using the Chrome browser.
Using Scribo to Supercharge Student Writing
In this session we will look at how teachers and students can use Scribo to:
scaffold student writing
extend and support students with real time personalised feedback
monitor class progress
gather formative data
streamline the marking process.
Using Screencastify to Support Writing
Amplifying and Celebrating Student Expression - Get your students extending their writing by demonstrating their learning, expressing their ideas, and sharing their voice.
This session is perfect for classroom educators who are either new or experienced with Screencastify Submit.
Using Lucid to Develop a Writing Process
In this session, join Lucid for Education as they share how to use a writing toolkit to assist students in developing their writing skills. The session will explore techniques for:
providing feedback on students' writing
developing metacognition in students
Choose your own Adventure with Google Slides
This workshop will show you how your students can use Google Slides to create engaging Choose Your Own Adventure texts and games. Just like a CYOA book, but built with Google Slides, your students will learn how to design and build their own, and create multiple pathways through their story. You'll also get to see a number of real classroom examples. The task also links to key concepts in digital technologies that include branching (decision-making) and sequencing.
Bring Writing to Life with iPad
iPad can be used to create interactive and engaging learning experiences for students.
In this hands on session, join the Apple Education team as they share how students from Primary grades can use the built-in features in the Pages app to support writing, reading listening and speaking skills. From imaginative texts to informative reports, student voice and ideas can come to life through the creative process of authoring and illustrating a book in Pages.
Writing Scaffolds with Numbers
Secondary teachers are loving the flexibility and creativity that Numbers brings to the classroom when building learning scaffolds.
In this interactive session the Apple Education team will teach you how to create powerful learning scaffolds using the formatting and multi media features that can be found in the numbers App.
You will discover how you can find great examples to use as templates from the Apple Teacher Learning Centre as well as receive links to other great examples collated from educators across the world.
Google Fundamentals
This course combines the Google self directed learning modules with value add virtual sessions that will develop your skills and knowledge around the effective use of Google Workspace.
There are five sessions in this series.
Learning Intentions
Participants will:
learn different ways that classroom technology can be used to support existing teaching programs
learn how technology can be used in a range of ways from simple substitution to a more sophisticated redefinition of learning tasks
learn about a range of tools inside Google Workspace for Education and how they can be used to make teaching and learning more effective
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
Understand the how existing and future classroom tasks can be supported with technology
Identify ways in which technology can be used appropriately in ways that engage and support student learning
Apply the new knowledge to my local context
There are 5 workshops in this series.
CLO Apple Teacher Mac
This course combines the Apple series of short self-directed learning modules with value add virtual sessions that will develop your skills and knowledge around the effective use of the Mac.
The CLO Apple Teacher Program will allow you to work through the modules and earn your badges at your own pace. However, to support you along the way we will have a number of virtual check-in sessions, where you will be shown some innovative uses for your new skills and be able to ask questions to clarify your learning. These virtual sessions will be joined by Apple Professional Learning Specialists and/or members of the Apple Education Team.
There are three sessions in this series.
Learning Intentions
Participants will:
Develop skills and knowledge around the effective use of the Mac In learning and teaching
Learn how to apply these skills to enhance and transform student learning experiences
Learn how to promote creativity in the classroom through the use of technology
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they have:
earned their 6 Apple Teacher badges (Mac)
participated in the virtual check-ins (Live or recorded)
applied what they have learned in their classrooms and reflected on impact
documented their learning in the provided journal
Digital Citizenship and Clickview: Secondary
Digital Citizenship is all about how digital behaviours affect ourselves and others.
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore the Digital Citizenship resources in ClickView.
Learning Intentions
Participants will explore the Digital Citizenship resources in Clickview and identify how they can use them with their students.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
Locate Digital Citizenship resources in ClickView
Use ClickView resources effectively
Share resources with students
Digital Citizenship and Clickview: Primary
Digital Citizenship is all about how digital behaviours affect ourselves and others.
In these sessions, Carly and Andrea will explore some of the Digital Citizenship resources in ClickView, how to use them effectively and finally how to share them with students.
ClickView interactives enable teachers to formatively assess students on topics or units of work. An interactive layer of inbuilt questions or problems can be added to any video.
Throughout these sessions, Carly and Andrea will demonstrate how you can create and use interactives for formative assessment.
Learning Intentions
Participants will explore the Digital Citizenship resources in Clickview and identify how they can use them with their students.
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
Locate Digital Citizenship resources in ClickView
Use ClickView resources effectively
Share resources with students
Participants will explore how to use ClickView interactives for formative assessment.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they are successful when they:
Understand what interactives are and how they can be used for formative assessment
Can create Interactives and use Interactives effectively for formative assessment
Using Video for Creative Assessments with Screencastify
Assessment is at the core of learning. Join us for a discussion on how video can enhance assessment procedures. Get instant formative feedback, deeper student responses, and more evidence of learning.
We'll discuss ways to gather evidence of student learning that helps shape future learning.
This session is perfect for classroom educators who have experience with the Screencastify
Learning Intentions
Participants will learn how to...
Create a video based assessment that gives students an alternate means of demonstrating their mastery
Create a variety of video-based assessment items to ensure accessibility for all learners
Analyse and deploy strategies for providing timely feedback for students after assessments
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they are successful when they can...
Create a video based assessments for students ensuring accessibility for all learners
Deploy strategies that improve timely feedback for students after assessments
Creating Effective Instructional Videos with Screencastify
Learn how to use Screencastify Record and Edit to create instructional videos that honour learning differences, give students autonomy, and make learning personal. This session is perfect for classroom educators who are new to Screencastify Record and Edit.
Learning Intentions
Participants will...
learn how to create videos that make learning personal for their students.
learn how to modify existing content to recognize and honour differences in learning styles and the complex needs of their students.
explore how to articulate and implement best practices for allowing their students to own their own learning.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they are successful when they...
can create videos that make learning personal for their students.
can edit existing content to recognize and honour difference in learning styles and the complex needs of their students.
can implement best practices for allowing their students to own their own learning.
CLO Apple Teacher iPad (Sessions 1, 2 and 3)
This course combines the Apple series of short self-directed learning modules with value add virtual sessions that will develop your skills and knowledge around the effective use of the iPad.
The CLO Apple Teacher Program will allow you to work through the modules and earn your badges at your own pace. However, to support you along the way we will have a number of virtual check-in sessions, where you will be shown some innovative uses for your new skills and be able to ask questions to clarify your learning. These virtual sessions will be joined by Apple Professional Learning Specialists and/or members of the Apple Education Team.
Learning Intentions
Participants will...
Develop skills and knowledge around the effective use of the iPad In learning and teaching
Learn how to apply these skills to enhance and transform student learning experiences
Learn how to promote creativity in the classroom through the use of technology
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they are successful...
When they have earned their 6 Apple Teacher badges (iPad)
Participated in the virtual check-ins (Live or recorded)
Applied what they have learned in their classrooms and reflected on impact
Documented their learning in the provided journal
Seesaw For Beginners
This one hour event takes classroom teachers through the fundamentals of Seesaw for Schools.
Learning Intention:
Participants will understand the use of Seesaw and some of it’s basic functionality.
Success Criteria:
Participants will know if they have been successful when they can:
Navigate to Seesaw
Log into their Seesaw account
Access and understand the different ways to view student work (by journal, student and calendar view)
Identify how to engaging with student posts by liking and commenting
Post to the Class Journal
Approve a student post
Acces the Activity Library to find, save, modify and assign activities
Understand how to use the photo, drawing and link tools
Seesaw Intermediate
This one hour workshop is for classroom teachers who wish to create quality differentiated learning experiences through Seesaw for Schools.
This session is aimed at teachers already using Seesaw.
Learning Intention:
Participants will understand how the tools within Seesaw can be used to support quality differentiated teaching practices.
Success Criteria:
Participants will know if they have been successful when they can:
create accessible instructions on Seesaw activities
add scaffolds to tasks
enable choice in output using the multimodal tools
Catholic Learning Online provides you with this opportunity to explore how to use ClickView for formative assessment.
With interactives, you have effective formative assessment strategies and resources at your fingertips.
Participants will explore how to create and use interactives for formative assessment.
Success Criteria
Participants will know that they have been successful when they can:
can add an interactive layer of inbuilt questions or problems to any existing video
use a range of different question types such as multiple choice, short answer or annotation